
New tank battery membrane technology

Garland Energy Systems, a division of Postle Industries, has introduced a durable new containment membrane specifically designed for tank battery installations.

Garland Energy Systems, a division of Postle Industries, has introduced a durable new containment membrane specifically designed for tank battery installations.

The membrane, named Fusion 50 TB (Tank Battery), provides a consistent and durable 50 mils thickness of  PVC waterproofing which can be installed in any range of temperature and humidity conditions in the oilfields. 

Garland manufactures the membrane in their own production facility in order to control the thickness and quality for every installation. The heavy reinforcement layer bonded to the bottom side offers a barrier to potential penetrations from below the containment surface. The textured surface is slip resistant for safety. 

Garland manufactures Fusion 50 using recycled material. The membrane is made in the U.S.

Source: Pipeline ME